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SQIP Virtual Salons: 2020-2021

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Welcome to the SQIP Virtual Salon!

Through a series of monthly online events, free and open to the public, the SQIP Virtual Salon will bring together qualitative researchers from all over the world, to share ideas and enjoy community, collegiality and inspiration throughout the year. Though we were unable to hold an in-person conference this year, the Salon will showcase some highlights from the conference program, as well as exciting new developments in qualitative psychology research.

Virtual Salon events will be held monthly, starting in August. Events will last approximately 90 minutes, and feature a series of presentations on a theme, as well as opportunity for questions and discussion. For those who are unable to make it to the scheduled event, many of them will be recorded and hosted on our website for all to enjoy.

For more information and to register, go to and select the event or events you wish to attend. There is no charge to attend, but you must register in advance.


Past Salons & Video Links

August 17th, 6PM – 7:30 ET

“Global and Transnational Perspectives of the 21st Century Migration Crisis and Counter-Movements of Solidarity and Resistance: Co-Constituting the Stories of Persons Embedded in Sacred Lived Migration Spaces”

ORGANIZERS: Peiwei Li and Mary Beth Morrissey PRESENTERS: Peiwei Li, Mary Beth Morrissey, Andrea Nicktee, Juarez Mendoza, Juan Carlos García Rivera, and Rakhshanda Saleem


“The 21st century migration crisis: Women scholar-activists leading the movement of global solidarity with refugee mothers and their families seeking asylum in the United States”

PRESENTER: Mary Beth Morrissey, PhD, JD, MPH Research Fellow, Fordham University Global Health Care Innovation Management Center

“Local practices, transnational knowledge: Roles, functions and ethical commitments/dilemmas lived by mental health practitioners working with refugees and asylum seekers from El Salvador”

PRESENTER: Juan Carlos García Rivera, MA – Doctoral Student Critical Social/Personality Psychology, the Graduate Center, CUNY

“Beyond borders: Naming injustice, locating liberation, and finding ourselves in the work”

PRESENTER: Andrea N. Juarez Mendoza – Doctoral Student The Graduate Center, CUNY

“Transnational perspectives on structural violence against immigrants and liberatory solidarity”

PRESENTER: Rakhshanda Saleem, PhD – Associate Professor Lesley University, Division of Counseling and Psychology PRESENTER: Peiwei Li, PhD, HSP – Associate Professor, Lesley University, Division of Counseling and Psychology


September 14th, 7PM – 8:30 ET

“Centering Critical Qualitative Inquiry and Psychopolitical Validity: Reflections from Doctoral Candidates”

ORGANIZER: Carla Rosinski PRESENTERS: Carla Rosinski, Serena Cardoso, Myisha Rodrigues, Brandon Jones, Kimberly Cherry


The Pursuit of Housing: Chronically Homeless Men’s Experience Pursuing Housing PRESENTER: Serena Cardoso, MA, LMHC PhD Candidate at Lesley University Counseling and Psychology

Listening to Supervisee Voices: A Critical Inquiry into the Experiences and Insights of Transgender Therapists in Clinical Supervision PRESENTER: Kimberly Cherry, MFT, LMFT PhD Candidate at Lesley University Counseling and Psychology

Counseling While Black: A Critical Inquiry Exploring Black Counselors’ Experiences at the Intersection of Race and Gender in Predominantly White Mental Health Settings PRESENTER: Brandon Jones, MA, LMHC PhD Candidate at Lesley University Counseling and Psychology

Embodied Descriptive Analysis: Exploring the Impact of Systemic Oppression on Black, Public School Educators PRESENTER: Myisha R. Rodrigues, MA, LMHC PhD Candidate at Lesley University Counseling and Psychology

Disrupting Heteronormativity in Clinical Discourse: A Call for Critical Sexualities Studies in Counseling Psychology PRESENTER: Carla R. Rosinski, MA, LMHC PhD Candidate at Lesley University Counseling and Psychology


October 23rd, 12PM – 1:30 ET

“Reclaiming Generalization in Qualitative Research: How? Why? and To What?”

ORGANIZER: Heidi M. Levitt PRESENTERS: Heidi M. Levitt, Joseph A. Maxwell, & Tone Roald


“Why Do We Always Generalize in Qualitative Research?” PRESENTER: Tone Roald, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen

“Why Qualitative Methods are Necessary for Generalization” PRESENTER: Joseph A. Maxwell, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Education, George Mason University

“Qualitative Generalization, not to the Population but to the Phenomenon” PRESENTER: Heidi M. Levitt, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology, University of Massachusetts, Boston


November 11th, 7PM – 8:30 ET

“Conducting Qualitative Research with Caregivers”

PRESENTERS: Lukas Hofstätter, Michelle Lafrance, Zoi Triandifilidis, and Aaaron Seaman


“Constructions of Caring for the ‘Self’ and the Anxious and Depressed ‘Other’” PRESENTER: Zoi Triandafilidis Senior Project Officer, Everymind, Hunter New England Local Health District Conjoint Fellow, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Newcastle

“Beyond Consent: Practicing Reciprocal Engagement in Caregiving Research” PRESENTER: Aaron T. Seaman, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine Carver College of Medicine, University of Iowa Co-author: Elana Buch

“The System Isn’t Broken; It Was Built That Way: Informal Caregiver Strain in Context” PRESENTER: Michelle N. Lafrance, PhD Professor of Psychology, St. Thomas University Co-authors: Lynne Gouliquer, Carmen Poulin, Cassandra Swift, Valerie Godin, and Moira Kinney

“Becoming a Carer as a Young Person: The Role of Service Access in the Construction of a Carer Identity, and How to Talk About It via Zoom” PRESENTER: Lukas Hofstätter Research and Development Officer, Carers NSW & Macquarie University, Sydney


December 7th, 4PM – 5:30 ET

“Explorations in Discursive Psychology”

ORGANIZER: Laura Kilby PRESENTERS: Laura Kilby, Chris McVittie, and Rahul Sambaraju


‘I would have taken this to my grave like most women’: managing legitimacy of reporting about sexual harassment during MeToo in India” PRESENTER: Rahul Sambaraju Assistant Professor of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland / Wesleyan University, Connecticut, USA.

“Examining mental-state talk within everyday conversational debate: ‘Thinking’ rhetoric in UK talk radio” PRESENTER: Laura Kilby Associate Professor of Social Psychology, Department of Psychology, Sociology & Politics, Sheffield Hallam University, UK.

‘We need to get real and get after the hard issues not the soft ones’: puzzle-resolution and challenge in online discussions of racism” PRESENTER: Chris McVittie Professor of Social Psychology, Division of Psychology, Sociology, and Education, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh, UK.


February 22nd, 4PM – 5:30 ET

“Qualitative Research Across the Life Course”

PRESENTERS: Bambi Chapin, Kelly Clark/Keefe, Stacy Giguere, and Hollen Reischer


“Watching Kids Eat: What Close Observation of Everyday Life in Sri Lankan Families Can Reveal about How Cultural Models are Transmitted” PRESENTER: Bambi L. Chapin, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Anthropology, UMBC (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)

“Somatographic Assemblages of Young Adult Identity Work” PRESENTER: Kelly Clark/Keefe, Ed.D. Associate Professor, College of Education and Social Services, University of Vermont

“The Poetics of Childbearing: A Fusion of Qualitative Approaches” PRESENTER: Stacy Giguere, Ph.D. Professor of Psychology, Manchester Community College

“A Qualitative Research Agenda for Narrative Identity in the Last Chapters of Life” PRESENTER: Hollen Reischer Doctoral Candidate, Clinical Psychology, Northwestern University


March 18, 2021

“Affinity Space Ethnography: Exploring Qualitative Methods for Studying Online Spaces”


“New Literacy Practices and Online Affinity Spaces: Implications for Research” PRESENTERS: Alecia M. Magnifico, PhD; Jayne C. Lammers, PhD; and Jen Scott Curwood, PhD

“Navigating Critical Junctures in the Design and Conduct of Affinity Space Research” PRESENTER: Jayne C. Lammers, PhD – Associate Professor, University of Rochester, Teaching and Curriculum

“The Contradictions of Multi-sited Context: Analyzing an Online Creative Writing Space” PRESENTER: Alecia M. Magnifico, PhD – Associate Professor, University of New Hampshire, English Teaching

“A Poet’s Craft: Tracing Youth Poetry from Slams to Social Media Spaces” PRESENTER: Jen Scott Curwood, PhD – Associate Professor, The University of Sydney, English Education and Media Studies

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