Keynote Speakers

Alex Gillespie
Alex Gillespie is a Professor of Psychological and Behavioural Science at the London School of Economics, an Editor of Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, and Visiting Professor II at the Oslo New University. His research begins with recognizing that people and groups have different perspectives. Key questions include: How do we bridge these divergences of perspective and achieve our collective life? What can we learn from listening to each other? And, more pragmatically, what technologies can we develop to study and intervene in these interactions? For example, Alex developed the Healthcare Complaint Analysis Tool, tools for studying perspective taking, and assessing defensiveness. Methodologically, he likes to analyse interesting sources of textual data using mixed methods.

Stephanie Fryberg
Stephanie Fryberg is a Tulalip psychologist who received her Master's and Doctorate degrees from Stanford University, where in 2011 she was inducted into the Multicultural Hall of Fame. In the same year, she testified before Senate on Stolen Identities: The impact of racist stereotypes on Indigenous people. She previously taught psychology at the University of Arizona, at the Tulalip Community at Marysville School, and at the University of Washington. She currently teaches American Indian Studies and Psychology at the Northwestern University in Chicago, and is a member of the Tulalip Tribes. Her research focuses on race, class, and culture in relation to one’s psychological development and mental health.