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In 2011, SQIP became an official section of APA Division 5, which was at that time titled Evaluation, Measurement and Statistics. In 2014, Division 5 changed its name to Quantitative and Qualitative Methods with three sections: (a) Assessment, (b) Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics (EMS), and (c) SQIP.


SQIP aims to develop and disseminate qualitative methods suitable for acquiring knowledge of psychological life (broadly conceived including lived experience, expression, practice, and social conduct). We host an annual conference and participate in the APA annual convention; award prizes through Division 5 for exemplary dissertations, teaching/mentorship, early career contributions, and distinguished contributions in qualitative psychology; and have an ongoing series of task forces and committees (the concentrations of which historically have included publication of qualitative research, ethics, and graduate and undergraduate training in qualitative methods). We have been involved in consulting on APA activities that are relevant to qualitative research and in connecting those who are seeking expertise in qualitative methods with consultants from among our membership who can meet their needs.

Our flagship journal is Qualitative Psychology, published by APA under the editorship of Ruthellen Josselson.


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