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SQIP 2016 Conference

2016 SQIP CONFERENCE hosted by RAMAPO COLLEGE and the Krame Center for Contemplative Studies and Mindful Living May 16-17, 2016 Ramapo, New Jersey Conference Host: James Morley, PhD Program Chair: Scott D. Churchill, PhD


(May 16, 2016)

8:30-9:00 Registration – coffee, etc.

9:00 Introduction/opening remarks

9:15 – 10:30: PLENARY:

“Story as Ethnography”

David Kirkland with Cynthia Winston-Proctor

10:30-10:45 - coffee break

10:45 – 12:00 Panel Session A

Impasses, Passageways, and Ethical Contradictions: The APA Ethics Code and Critical Qualitative Inquiry

Chair: Michelle Fine, The Graduate Center, City University of New York

Ethical Dilemmas within Institutional and Professional Compliance: Unpacking Consent, Harm, and Reporting Back Research Results Anne Galletta Department of Curriculum and Foundations, Cleveland State University Unsettling, Haunting, & Marooning: Decolonial Responses to the Disparate Yearnings of Participatory Action Researchers Monique A. Guishard Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Bronx Community College, City University of New York At the Junction of Epistemological Concerns, Research Ethics, and Validity: Opening up a Dialogue and Meta-reflection Peiwei Li Counseling Psychology Psy.D. Program, Springfield College Forging a Response to the Hoffman Report that Moves Beyond Disgust: The SQIP Ethics Task Force Susan Goldberg Department of Psychology, Duquesne University

10:45 – 12:00 Panel Session B


Chair: Jane Callaghan, University of Northampton

Home as Culture: The Burdens and Privileges of Being an Insider

Sunil Bhatia, Connecticut College

Making themselves at home: Children’s embodied and spatial experiences of living with domestic violence

Jane E.M. Callaghan, Joanne Alexander, Lisa Fellin, Judith Sixsmith

The approach of a peace storytelling construction in the young people in Bogotá: a social constructionism experience.

Luis F. González-Gutiérrez, Universidad Santo Tomás, Bogotá. Colombia

Dis-placing home in (forced) migration

Marco Gemignani, Duquesne University

LUNCH 12:00-1:00

(Executive Board Lunch Meeting)

Monday 1:00-1:50 –Paper Sessions (25 minutes total per paper including discussion)

Session A

Teaching Phenomenological Research: Moving Beyond ‘Content’ Towards the Intentional

Gilbert Garza, University of Dallas

Epistemological assumptions in the interpretations and practices of reflexivity in qualitative inquiry

Marco Gemignani, Duquesne University

Session B

Hart’s “Four Virtues”: A Tool for Cultivating Balance and Self-Awareness in Beginning Counselor Development

Andrew Bland, Millersville University

Teleology and the Objective Unconscious

Peter Heinze, RAMAPO

2:00-3:20 Panel Session A

Mindfulness and Qualitative Inquiry

Chair: James Morley, Krame Center for Contemplative Studies and Mindful Living, Ramapo College

Mindfulness: Phenomenon and Method.

James Morley

Ramapo College of New Jersey

Minding the Other, Within and Without: Qualitative Inquiry and the Question of Objectivity

Mark Freeman

College of the Holy Cross

Shifting MBSR research away from Self-reification.

Michelle H. Mamberg, Ph.D., Bridgewater State University

Thomas Bassarear, Keene State College,

Dwelling within ambiguity: The importance of Mindfulness within a Qualitative Research Paradigm

Emily Abbey, Ramapo College of New Jersey

Discussant: Sunil Bhatia, Connecticut College

2:00-3:20 Panel Session B

“The personal is the political” with Activity Meaning System Designs

Chair: James Christopher Head, The Graduate Center, City University of New York

Interactivity in Qualitative Policy Research Design

Colette Daiute, The Graduate Center, City University of New York

Examining Values of Hip Hop Discourse across Dance and Rap Narrative Genres

Lauren Roygardner, City University of New York

Debangshu Roygardner, The Graduate Center, City University of New York

Conflict on Multiple Levels: Situating Teachers’ Narratives in their Sociohistorical Context

James Christopher Head, The Graduate Center, City University of New York

Karyna Pryiomka, The Graduate Center, City University of New York


5:00 - Wine Reception

6:00 – Conference Dinner



(May 17, 2016)

9:15-9:30 – announcements

9:30 – 10:50 - SYMPOSIA

Panel A: Developing Standards for Qualitative Research in Psychology

Chair: Heidi M. Levitt, University of Massachusetts Boston

Issues of Concern in Developing Qualitative Reporting Standards

Author: Michael Bamberg, Clark University

Considering Methodological Integrity in the Review Process

Author: Heidi M. Levitt, University of Massachusetts Boston

Developing Standards for Reporting Qualitative Meta-analyses

Ruthellen Josselson, Fielding Graduate University

Symposium Discussant

Fredrick J. Wertz, Fordham University

Panel B: Affects between: Exploring affect stitched into the fabric of qualitative inquiry CHAIR: Emese Ilyes, The Graduate Center, City University of New York

Listening for Love: Professional Caring as a Parallel Process for Qualitative Inquiry, Hedi Levine

The body as evidence: Unearthing affect, vulnerability, and resistance through autoethnography , Alexis Halkovic, The Graduate Center, City University of New York

A Part of the Solution: Exploring the transition from persistent offending to desistance, M.Vann

11:00 – 12:00two poster sessions (see last page for listing)

12:00 - 1:00 - LUNCH

1:00 – 1:50 Business Meeting with Task Force and Committee Break Out Sessions (two rooms, one for each group)

1. Task Forces – Updates?

a) Consultancy (chair: Susan Goldberg; liaison: Ruthellen Josselson)

b) Graduate teaching (chair: Sara McClelland; liaison: Michelle Fine)

c) Undergraduate teaching and curricula (chair: Cynthia Winston-Proctor; liaison: Linda McMullen)

d) Resources for publication of qualitative research: (chair: Heidi Levitt; liaisons: Fred Wertz and Scott Churchill)

2. Committees – Updates

a) International (chair: Jane Callaghan; liaison: Marco Gemignani)

b) Mentoring (chair: Nancy Deutsch; liaison: Linda McMullen)

c) Graduate student (chairs and liaisons: Chris Head and Patrick Sweeney)

d) Website and communications (chair: Valerie Futch Ehrlich)

e) Ethics (chair: Susan Goldberg; liaison: Ruthellen Josselson

f) Awards (liaisons: Linda McMullen and Scott Churchill)

g) Fellows (chair and liaison: Fred Wertz)

2:00-3:30 – Tuesday Plenary: Best Practices in Learning and Teaching

Qualitative Research Methods

Chair: Frederick J. Wertz, Fordham

Choice Points and Development of a Graduate

Qualitative Research Methods Course

Frederick J. Wertz, Fordham University

Incorporating “Hermeneutic” Principles into Descriptive Phenomenological Inquiry

Scott D. Churchill, University of Dallas

A Phenomenological Study of the Office Environment

of a Clinical Social Worker with High Client Retention

Jamie Jones, Fordham University

Interwoven Learning: Investigating Experiences of Racialized Events

in the Context of Immersion in a Graduate Course

Candace Mootoo, Fordham University

Understanding the Effects of Exploitation on Psychological Wellbeing

for an Undocumented Day Laborer: A Qualitative Approach

Sara A. Romero, Fordham University

Discussants: Chris Head, The Graduate Center, City University of New York; Linda McMullen, University of Saskatchewan; Cynthia Winston, Howard University

3:30-3:45 - Coffee Break

3:45 – 5:00 - Individual Paper sessions (25 minutes each including discussion)

Session A:

Creative methods: using drawings and photos to facilitate children’s articulations of domestic violence

Jane Callaghan

Joanne Alexander

Lisa Fellin

There are ignorant people everywhere”: Bosnian refugees’ narratives about everyday discrimination

Masha Komolova, Monisha Pasupathi, & Cecilia Wainryb

Former Soviet Union Mothers’ Conceptions and Support of Adolescent Autonomy in The Two Cultural Contexts

Masha Komolova

Session B:

When Culture, Race and Gender Collide: A Critical Narrative Inquiry of “Intercultural” Romantic Relationships

Daniel Rodriguez Ramirez

Peiwei Li

The Complexity of Racism and White Privilege: A critical analysis of the double-edged experience of East Asian international students - Yunjin Lee & Peiwei Li, Springfield College

5:00 - DInner

10 POSTERS: Tuesday (11:00-12:00)

An interaction perspective on digital activities: trolling as a demonstrative case. Dr Rahul Sambaraju and Mr Conor BonfilUniversity of Limerick, Ireland

Qualitative Research with the Elderly: Narratives, “truth,” and Advancing Age.

Presenter: Jayme Jenkins, Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student, Duquesne University

Cultural-psychological perspectives: Social science research

Emily Abbey

Ramapo College of New Jersey

Lowell Immigrant Women’s Migration Experiences as they Pertain to their Social and Economic Integration

Jana Sladkova*, Khanh Dinh, Ivy Ho, Allyssa McCabe, Liz Ejaife

University of Massachusetts, Lowell

Refuting traditional arguments for using group-based statistics over individualized and qualitative research approaches

Jana Sladkova, University of Massachusetts, Lowell

Joseph E. Gonzales, University of California, Davis

Contributions of transmedia storytelling to the qualitative inquiry in psychology: a cultural approach

Luis F. González-Gutiérrez

Universidad Santo Tomás, Bogotá. Colombia.

Undocumented”, “Illegal”, and Beyond: Language Matters in Community & Colleges

David A. Caicedo, The Graduate Center, City University of New York

The Howard University ADVANCE-IT Experience Study: UnmaskingResearcher Subjectivity in the Context of Federally Funded STEM Equity Institutional Transformation Rashunda L. Stitt, Cynthia E. Winston-Proctor, Denee Thomas Mwendwa, and Sonya T. Smith, Howard University

Compassion as Response to Structural Suffering: Stories from U.S. Latina/o K-12 Teachers Verónica Caridad Rabelo & Ram Mahalingam, University of Michigan

In the shadows: How invisibilized personnel experience work

Verónica Caridad Rabelo & Ram Mahalingam, University of Michigan


Posters from Student at Ramapo

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